Exploring the Holocaust

What happened after the holocaust?

 Nazis killed about six million Jews, but in total 12 million Jews were killed because of diseases, illnesses, committed suicide, and a lot more happened during the Holocaust. Although there were many survivors of the holocaust, there is a huge amount of Jews that were killed. After the holocaust there were several hundreds of thousands of Jews that survived the horrible concentration camps or escaped from Nazis by sneaking out in a group. Since many Jews were homeless and helpless after the Holocaust, about 1,200,000 Jewish and non- Jews people had to look for a home and place to live in. This took a lot of time, effort, and struggle to find a new home and place to live in. Luckily the Jews were supported by the United States.  The U.S provided organizations and gave some Jews new homes.They had an organization called the UNRRA, International Refugee Organization, who helped out the Jews in need. In addition, it was dangerous for Jews to move back to Poland or other places where Germans ruled because mobs would try to chase down the Jews and even murder them. Many Jews were provided new homes in the U.S. Some of the countries Jews would live in were France, Canada, Great Britain, and even Israel.
